Making people that dont have a common bond live together ends up in Yugoslavia or Rwanda. It’s going to be target practice as these hordes descend on our neighborhoods. 4) If you’re a wage slave paying down a lot of debt talk to an attorney about bankruptcy. Anyone hodling legacy BTC is also in grave danger. Perhaps he’s been playing 5D chess? Add as many of your ideas as you like for resetter tests – that the resetters can do and provide to the world – to see how well it all works on them. LEGITIMATE VOTERS choose the president., ….This would ALSO change the Election result in numerous States, including Pennsylvania, which everyone thought was easily won on Election Night, only to see a massive lead disappear, without anyone being allowed to OBSERVE, for long intervals of time, what the [hell] happened…. I’ve also quoted some of 10 USC S. 894 on twitter several times now: “A person who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death…”. He explains how this Great Reset was motivated by the EU sovereign debt crisis which is about to explode, at least from the European elites’ perspective. So then they will send their millions of free, airdropped Core BTC to the exchanges, set up massive shorts (they probably also control Tether as well), then cater the price with massive sell walls perhaps -90%. Bitcoin appears to be a 666 neutron death star. With the U.S. Congress pushing through Bill No. I think so because MAGA are fully awake and engaged on the political process. It’s amazing if they can enslave all nations…, they have limited power can’t control everything i believe.”. My original prediction of Trump stealing back the election from those who stole it, and then later being assassinated for it, seems to becoming more and more likely. 1a : the perfect form or example of something: quintessence I don’t know why it’s not popular.”. trust me ☮️, If you were a poisoner, wouldn’t it make sense to never let people know that’s what is going on, and always have a red herring to shift the blame to for mass illness? We are already at war. Julius Caesar took the office of Pontiff Maximus (high priest) so he could end the corruption and created a calendar to end the corruption. They’re openly announcing plans to form the shadow government:,, Possibly related: “Scoop: Generals privately brief news anchors, promise no military role in election”, That being said 12 yo me, back then in communist Yugoslavia was quite happy and enthusiastic about stuff like this. What the heck is going on folks? Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Tim Hinchliffe is the editor of The Sociable. But for the moment you need to sell the house and buy Bitcoin. Transparency. Bitcoin was not designed by a lone hacker. Is anyone else curious about why FOX is allowing Tucker to talk about this stuff…he’s still not unveiling the whole picture, but he’s certainly pulling back the curtain to a certain degree – Of course the usual camera hogs block visuals with Q-signs and Trump-electetts. Perhaps Trumps steals back the stolen election and institutes significant election reforms threatening the Demonrats with loss of the majority at the midterms forcing them to resort to assassinations to flip it all back. I do, it ends in mass genocides , reeducation camps, forced labor camps, executions of anyone whos ideologically framework is contrary. You should read John Nash’s Ideal money thesis. It gets worse – the company that makes those machines is in bed with the Clintons. Part 1: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell The move to Baja will only be temporary to get over the hump of this initial stage and observe where everything is heading before deciding on the longer-term strategy. 1. He committed suicide last month when he realized the Great Reset is taking form. I know Corbett and Fitts have been projecting it for years. It should take 2/3rds to make structural changes – not 50.5%. By 2022 they may be significantly lower. The right wing is as spendthrift as the left and the left is as authoritarian as the right. This time it is all about structural change rewriting the courts and constitution. Here’s a before and after screen capture documenting that 138,000 ballots were added in Michigan and ALL voted for Biden:, Voter Fraud in Arizona – Maricopa County & Others,,, Voter Fraud in Arizona – Maricopa County & Others It is also used to make steroid hormones like testosterone. The longer the economy craters due to Congressional gridlock, the stronger his case may become. Albert Bartlett stated, “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.”, Imagine a caretaker that comes to check on his lily pond once a month. Let me quote the passage intact:”, “The shocking thing about the above [CDC journal] quote is that using their own methods, the virologists found that solutions containing SARS-CoV-2 — even in high amounts — were NOT, I repeat NOT, infective to any of the three human tissue cultures they tested. In fact fat and no carbs is the cure for type 2 diabetes: I guess you noted that Trump has been cleaning house in the military and Senate is holding a hearing on his preferred new FCC commissioner: I can not run a Bitcoin 101 class here so if you are not familiar with certain terminology them please google the terms. Old women and all manner of betas were united by a desire for “nothing bad to happen” and the destructive power of Democracy went to work. Now he has been shown the global elite but still Armstrong is so gullible and fails to do his research. protocols at airports and in planes to call the airlines out if you are on a flight and you witness someone cough or sneeze., Unmasking the Villains Behind the Great Reset. Multiculturalism will be cursed when we reach the scorched earth termination of this. I think you need to get your fact right before writing something like that on the public. Freedom means being free to be a racist ass. For the last 12 years, visionary software developers all over the world have been building decentralised networks to replace FEDBUX 1.0. They are already assembling lists of Trump Supporters which is about 50% of the population. Let’s just say, it wasn’t what I thought it would be. Because of the diabolical Bitcoin donations spiral attack I have described upthread, there will be the diabolical CBDCs as the only alternative for the plebs (i.e. see if you are able to watch klaus Goebbels schwab double speak from beginning to end, it’s hard, We have to see the outcome of the […] election. One thing for sure it’s time to stop using their weaponized language and speak. This would explain the massive market crash (Panic Cycle) expected in the week starting Dec. 21. SIDNEY POWELL’S “KRAKEN” IS DOD CYBER WARFARE PROGRAM! Discussion with people who are forbidden to acknowledge what they are arguing against is a waste of time. Even 160 IQ, 19 year old, Naomi Seibt (a smart, German lad) explained why. Buy the supplies you will need for a few years to cross over to the other side of this insanity. This sure sounds like full blown communism to me, and I want no part of it. It’s more the young people who will inherit this nightmare. Technocracy, sustainable development, new world order, and the great reset are all names for basically the same thing with slight variations but the essence is always more power in the hands of a few. Of course the Bible is very clear about this that Satan deceives himself. But see my comment on this page (under other user’s comment) about the coming Great Reset. But there’s a deeper problem which is related to the problem I am having with insuring convergence with a proof-of-work that has no difficulty adjustments. Like all the thousands of indictments that are going to be handed out. and it works. Remember, all fiat currencies are tied to the USD. That’s not our current situation – political violence is still a novelty for us, and we haven’t seen a Marius or Sulla yet.”. They want confusion to be our epitaph. When will Jim realize I am correct about Bitcoin being a diabolical plan? I for example consider my mentality to be that of a warrior but I lack sufficient force (power) to make any rational impact as a warrior, so my warrior mentality is useless in this context. In plain English, this means they proved, on their terms, that this ‘new coronavirus’ is not infectious to human beings. We should schedule a video chat where you guys can ask questions and I reply on video? Whilst declaring themselves “socialist” in their party name its not “socialism” or “communism” or “capitalism” it is a collective of social organisations realising that to get the policies and justice they want they need to govern themselves, and thus create the political party as a political instrument. There is no way to ban decentralized cryptocurrencies, other than turning off the Internet and that seems impossible to do (we even have shortwave radio if needed). Catholic, former Archbishop to the United States wrote an open letter to Trump summarizing and warning about the Great Reset:
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